Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Final Project : Cinema --- draft 4

In this time, I try to use the "zone" into my plans, and I try to make the plans to be interesting.

First Floor (showing the connect to the pathway,and parking lot)

Second Floor

Library and roof garden



Final Project : Cinema --- mid-review

I came back to the first idea, making a big box. so there is a big opening space in my building. But I took some ideas from draft 2, such as two big structures which support the building, and putting green space in the plans.
Two big structure would be my two entries, one is for theaters, other one is for exhibition space.
The height of building is 30 feet, because the theaters and exhibition space would need the high space.
I put my service area between the theaters and exhibition space, because it would be easy to serve  the public space. And my office area would be 15 feet high, so my library would above on the office. At the same time, creating a ramp to go up to the roof garden.

First Floor (parking lot)

Section Floor

Library and roof garden

Sections and site plan

Collage and perspectives
The collage shows the relationship of space in the section way. And I make it to be 3 dimension, so I show the front space by putting out.
The second perspective shows my service area, show the big opening interior space.
The last perspective shows my key idea, zone. It would happen in my lobby. when people watch up, they would see this view.


Final Project : Cinema --- draft 2

In the this time, I would like to make the building higher and put some green spaces and grades in my plans. I try to use two big structure in my buildings.

First Floor

Section Floor

Third Floor

Fourth Floor




Final Project : Cinema --- draft 1

This cinema will be local at UNAM in Mexico.
My site is the parking lot which next to the library, and my building would above the parking.
When I visited the site, I saw that there the buildings were international style. The most buildings looked like the boxes. I would like to keep same language in my design.
So my concept is that design a big box, and create many diversity spaces in the box.
I try to use the firm technique which is "zoon in" in my building.

site plan (the right side edge of my building would be on the same line with the left edge of library )

First Floor (only a big structure which is my lobby. influence by my last project.)

Second Floor (with professor's sketch)

Third Floor



Friday, February 5, 2016

Analysis of "Outer Space"

Frist, I use the 38 small images to show the whole movie, and put them in a roll film. For the organization, I make the film to be like wave with 2 peaks. This is because there are 2 peaks in the movie, one is the house breaking down, and second one is the woman breaking down everything in the house. Besides, I pick the 7 key images and make them bigger than other images, and I use the collage to show the 7 images. This is because I am not easy to see a whole image in the movie, the director cut the films and regroup them. And I draw some plans to show where the woman are and where the story happen in the movie. 

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Other Summaries for Outer Space (1999)

A young woman, night, an American feature film. She enters a house, a dark corridor, a thriller. While she forces her way into an unknown space together with the viewer, the cinematographic image-producing processes go off the rails all around her. The rooms through which she goes telescope into each other, become blurred, while at the same time the crackling of the cuts and the background noise of the sound track – the sound of the film material itself – becomes louder and more penetrating.
The pace becomes frenetic, the woman is being pursued by invisible opponents, she is pushed against a mirror, walls of glass burst, furniture tilts and the cinematographic apparatus which the heroine begins to attack in blind fury also suffers. The images jump and stutter, the perforation holes tilt into the picture, the sound track collapse inwards in a will o’ the wisp destruction scenario – something which only film can do so beautifully. In ten minutes ‘’Outer Space’’ races through the unsuspected possibilities of cinematographic errors – a masterpiece.

Stefan Grissemann
A woman, terrorized by an invisible and aggressive force, is also exposed to the audience’s gaze, a prisoner in two senses. Outer Space agitates this construction, which is prototypical for gender hierarchies and classic cinema’s viewing regime, and allows the protagonist to turn them upside down. (…) Flickering images, everything crashes, explodes; perforations and the soundtrack are engaged in a violent struggle. (…) The story ends in the woman’s resistant gaze.

Isabella Reichert

Friday, January 29, 2016

Outer Space by Peter Tscherkassky in1999

Outer Space was made by Peter Tscherkassky, who is an Austrian avant-garde filmmaker, in 1999.

In my opinion, this film may be about lady's nightmare, because everything restore as same as the beginning.
When I saw this film, I felt uncomfortable and horrible. This is because Peter broke everything by flashing. I was not easy to see a complete image in the film. And the sound was continuous pause. I means that the sound is not fluent.

I think that breaking down is main idea in this film, so I could it in my design. For example, when I design a building, I may separate the building into many spaces. Therefore, there would be many diversity spaces in the building.